Minnehaha United Methodist Church

A nonprofit organization

23 donors

We Serve Our Neighborhood and the World


Minnehaha United Methodist Church is a thriving multi-generational, multi-cultural congregation in South Minneapolis. In the tradition of John Wesley, the founder of Methodism and a believer that faith in God was for all people, we strive to reach beyond our walls and share our many blessings with our community.


A Church of Action
       Minnehaha is a church of action. We share our many blessings with our community through our gifts, work, and prayer. Here is just a sampling of projects Minnehaha United Methodist has engaged in as we work for social justice for all. For additional information, contact the church office.                  

Backpacks for Neighborhood Children
Just before the start of the school year, Minnehaha assembles backpacks and school supplies and gives these to the children whose parents attend our MinneHarvest food ministry. This year we gave away more than 170 backpacks to neighborhood school children.


Christmas Gifts for Children & Teens
     Parents who visit the Minnehaha Food Shelf can "shop" for toys and gifts so that every child and teen can have a present on Christmas Day.


Community Events
     As a good neighbor, Minnehaha opens its doors to community non-profits for meetings and events. We are also the election site for our neighborhood.


Disaster Relief
     At times of natural and human-made disasters, Minnehaha collects donations to UMCOR, the United Methodist Committee on Relief—one of the few organizations where you can donate relief money and know that 100% of your donation will go to the cause.


     Through programming, recycling, and mindful stewardship (as well as the United Methodist Women “Sustainable Markets") we strive to support the well-being of our planet.


Emma Norton
     The two housing facilities and other services for women and children in transition are sponsored by the United Methodist Church.


Families Moving Forward
     Families Moving Forward houses homeless families for a week at a local church. Volunteers serve dinner, breakfast and run evening activities. This program is coordinated by Beacon Interfaith Housing Collaborative. Contact: Robbie Becker 612-721-2768


Minnehaha Food Shelf
     Every Tuesday, volunteers from Minnehaha United Methodist, St. James Episcopal and Lake Nokomis Lutheran churches work together to support the local food shelf, which supplies food to people in need who live in our area.


Habitat for Humanity
     Several times each year, members of MUMC spend a Saturday doing construction on homes to help provide affordable housing.


Meals on Wheels
     Hot meals prepared locally are delivered by MUMC members on a regular basis. Interested? Contact Rachel Larson: 612-729-8069.


MinneHarvest Food Ministry
     On the 4th Saturday of every month, at 8:30 a.m., we provide perishable food for anyone who is hungry, no questions asked. Interested? Contact Renee Beymer: 612-722-1782 or janos3@juno.com.


Simpson Housing Services
     The United Methodist Women at Minnehaha and others regularly volunteer to cook and serve food for the homeless in Minneapolis. Interested? Contact Maureen Trepp: 612-724-7620.


United Methodist Missions
     In addition to paying our apportionments, or assessments, from the Minnesota Conference of our denomination, Minnehaha Church gives to special askings and “Advance Specials” for specific missions (such as Native American Ministries) during the year.

Giving Activity

Organization Data


Organization name

Minnehaha United Methodist Church

Tax id (EIN)



Faith Community Humanitarian Aid


3701 E 50th Street
Minneapolis, MN 55417