Organization name
Tax id (EIN)
810 South Seventh StreetMinneapolis, MN 55415
MetroKids Mission Statement
MetroKids exists so that all children in the Minneapolis/St. Paul area have access to excellent early childhood education. MetroKids promotes early learning through holistic programming and outstanding teachers, nurtures every child’s individual strengths, and supports families. MetroKids gives children the academic, social, and spiritual foundation for elementary school—and life.
MetroKids will become an invaluable resource for families of all backgrounds and a stepping-stone to further educational opportunities as we form partnerships with schools and child-focused programs in the Minneapolis metro area.
MetroKids Priorities / Objectives
Provide excellent, stimulating, and challenging curriculum to help children reach their fullest potential and prepare them for further learning.
Seek and celebrate diversity within staff and families.
Assist low-income parents and guardians through scholarships.
Serve as a resource and feeder program to kindergarten classes in public, charter, and private schools, as well as other child-focused support services.
Encourage long-term employment of gifted teachers and staff by intentionally nurturing relationships, providing ongoing training, and offering benefits.
Become a model for other early childhood centers by building connections and sharing strategies.
Continue to develop after-school and no-school-day programming options for kindergarten through second graders and their families.
Teach and model the attributes of Jesus—love, compassion, forgiveness, patience, kindness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control—to prepare children for a fulfilling and healthy future.
Organization name
Tax id (EIN)
810 South Seventh Street