Support March of Dimes and Local Minnesota NICUs
$2,062 Raised
*Please check our our local 2021 Minnesota March of Dimes Campaign below!
For 80 years, March of Dimes has helped millions of babies survive and thrive. Now we’re building on that legacy to level the playing field for all moms and babies, no matter their age, socio-economic background or demographics. We support moms throughout their pregnancy, even when everything doesn’t go according to plan. We advocate for policies that prioritize their health. We support radical improvements to the care they receive. And we pioneer research to find solutions to the biggest health threats to moms and babies.
What began with President Franklin D. Roosevelt's personal struggle with polio led to the creation of the National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis, better known as March of Dimes. We pioneered the vaccine research leading to the eradication of polio in the U.S., and then we shifted focus to address some of the biggest health threats to moms and babies with innovations like folic acid, newborn screening and surfactant therapy.
Today we educate medical professionals and the public about best practices; we support lifesaving research; we provided comfort and support to families in NICUs; and we advocate for those who need us most, moms and babies. We are stronger and more committed than ever to guiding moms through every stage of the pregnancy journey. We are fighting for the smallest among us and advocating for their health each and every day. And we do so with the tools, technology and knowledge needed to build a brighter future for us all.
March of Dimes has unveiled a number of services and resources at no cost for expecting and new mothers, to provide advice and support they need right now ;
---Weekly Facebook live panels to address COVID-19 and maternal health issues
---Investing n clinical & maternal immunity research and have two RFPs in process
---Advocating on the passage of key legislation around therapeutics, vaccines and family leave right now
---Supportive resources such as blog posts, birthing plans, virtualized supportive pregnancy care and NICU Family Support Programs. We collaborated with national partners to donate breast pumps, face masks diapers and blood pressure pumps to families.
---Developed necessary professional training resources on our Beyond Labels webpage for healthcare professionals and delivering implicit bias training to healthcare organizations nationwide
With everyone’s support, we look forward to doing even more to help give every baby a healthy start.
Visit our website for more information, to get involved and to donate:
Visit our local Minnesota Campaign:
Organization name
March of Dimes, Inc
Education , Health , Children & Family
1380 University Ave W Suite 104-178