Organization name
Long Lake Conservation Foundation
Tax id (EIN)
Education , Environment , Science, Tech & Business
28952 438TH LNPALISADE, MN 56469
The Long Lake Conservation Foundation (LLCF) was established to help fund the needs of Long Lake Conservation Center.
Established in 1963, Long Lake Conservation Center is Minnesota's original environmental learning center. Long Lake focuses on environmental education, outdoor recreation, and wildlife appreciation. Its mission is to encourage the exploration, conservation, education, and appreciation of nature. The Long Lake Field Study is beyond classroom learning; it is an adventure! Throughout the year, children experience activities such as: canoeing, archery, snow-shoeing, cross-country skiing, orienteering, survivals skills, bog trekking, and firearm safety. These activities are a first for so many visiting students, a true once-in-a-lifetime experience!
Foundation funds assist the center to remain at the forefront of environmental education, including investment in new and improved educational supplies, equipment, and well-maintained facilities.
The LLCF understands the utmost importance of keeping children, ages 1-99, involved and educated in the outdoors!
Organization name
Long Lake Conservation Foundation
Tax id (EIN)
Education , Environment , Science, Tech & Business
28952 438TH LN