Organization name
Legal Services of Northwest Minnesota (LSNM)
Tax id (EIN)
Children & Family , Community , Humanitarian Aid
1015 7th Ave N.Moorhead, MN 56561
Did you know that there is no right to an attorney for low income people facing civil legal issues? A low income person facing the loss of a basic human need such as housing, education, income, safety, employment and custody may face a complex legal system alone. Legal Service of Northwest Minnesota tries to fill that gap by providing free legal help. But we cannot help everyone and need your help.
Between 350 and 450 people apply for free civil legal aid through LSNM each month. As the only free civil legal aid located in northwest Minnesota, we are on the front lines helping people understand and navigate their legal issues. With offices in Alexandria, Bemidji, and Moorhead, we maintain stable housing, bring safety and security to children and families, and provide dignity, justice and hope to people who would otherwise receive no legal help. LSNM provides as much legal assistance as our staff, judicare, pro bono, and financial resources allow. Yet, more people need our help. Our current funds allow us to fully serve less than 20% of the people who cannot afford an attorney. You can help us bring equal justice to northwest Minnesota.
What do we know about your neighbors who cannot afford an attorney?
The average single person working with LSNM has monthly income under $1,200. The typical family of four receiving free civil legal aid earns less than $2,600 per month. Our nine full-time staff attorneys, one paralegal, and private attorneys who partner as judicare and pro bono attorneys do what they can, yet nearly four out of five people eligible for free civil legal aid in northwest Minnesota do not get all the help they need.
How can we bring equal justice to more people in need? Partners in Justice, who donate to LSNM, bring equal justice to more people in need.
Who can be a Partner in Justice?
People like you- who care, who want to make a difference, who want to make someone else's life better, and who want to improve their communities and help their neighbors- are Partners in Justice. Partners in Justice give at the highest level they can to bring equal justice to northwest Minnesota.
Partners in Justice may donate any amount they wish:
What does it take?
How do I become a Partner in Justice? You may arrange for automatic bill pay through your bank, mail a check payable to "LSNM" to 1015 7th Avenue N., Moorhead, MN 56560, deliver to a local office in Alexandria, Bemidji, or Moorhead, or donate via credit card through our website at or by clicking below. Talk with your employer about a weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly Partner in Justice payroll deduction/contribution to LSNM.
We appreciate your commitment to equal justice. Please share this message with any friends, family, neighbors, or colleagues, who also care about creating better communities for all through equal justice.
Thank you very much for being a Partner in Justice in northwest Minnesota.
LSNM is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. contribution will be expended in accordance with federal Legal Services Corporation Act, 42 U.S.C. 2996, et seq. and Public Law 104-134. See for additional information.
Organization name
Legal Services of Northwest Minnesota (LSNM)
Tax id (EIN)
Children & Family , Community , Humanitarian Aid
1015 7th Ave N.