Organization name
Legal Assistance of Dakota County Ltd
other names
Tax id (EIN)
Children & Family , Volunteer , Emergencies
7300 147th St. W., Suite 401Apple Valley, MN 55124
No one plans to need a lawyer for their family or their home:
“I didn’t know what to do when I received custody papers.”
“I was scared to go to court because my abuser always told me nobody would believe me.”
“I thought there would be more time before I could be evicted.”
At Legal Assistance of Dakota County Ltd. (LADC), we hear things like this every day. Unlike in criminal cases, there is no right to an attorney in civil cases. That’s where we come in.
At LADC, we provide free legal services, primarily in the area of family law — because families are the building blocks of our communities.
The demand for our services continues to rise, and we remain committed to addressing the immediate and individual needs of families in our community.
To continue providing the level of service our neighbors have come to expect, we need to raise $10,000 this Give to the Max Day.
Will you support LADC during this giving season? Every donation will be matched and will make us eligible for additional support and prizes. Thank you!
Organization name
Legal Assistance of Dakota County Ltd
other names
Tax id (EIN)
Children & Family , Volunteer , Emergencies
7300 147th St. W., Suite 401