Organization name
Lead For Minnesota
Science, Tech & Business , Community , Economic Development
100 N State StreetWaseca, MN 56093
Our Mission
By 2040, 15 thousand of Minnesota's most dynamic & diverse leaders working on our communities' toughest challenges.
Our Vision
A more unified Minnesota, built upon communities that care.
Our Approach
We work towards this cultural tipping point through three pillars of Education, Systems-Change, and Pathways. Our main Pathways Program includes the Hometown Fellowship. We recruit, train, and place young leaders in two-year paid fellowships in their hometown or home state communities - particularly in places with bold visions, but lack the capacity to attract and retain the next generation of leaders to carry it forward.
We are committed to serving rural, tribal, and economically distressed urban communities.
We realize, however, that these are also the most financially-strapped places that would be unable to host a Fellow without additional support. With support from donors like you, we can reach Minnesota communities that are most often the hardest to reach, and connect them with the transformative talent they deserve to chart the next chapter of their community. Your donation also supports the financial accessibility of the fellowship, increasing the diversity of leaders able to participate and return home.
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Organization name
Lead For Minnesota
Science, Tech & Business , Community , Economic Development
100 N State Street