Kenwood Symphony Orchestra

A nonprofit organization

26 donors

The KSO in south Minneapolis represents over 50 highly accomplished volunteer musicians of diverse ages and occupations.

Founded in 1972 as the Kenwood Chamber Orchestra, the orchestra became a full symphony in 2003 and appointed Yuri Ivan as Music Director in 2007. From humble beginnings as an adult education class, the orchestra continues to grow in membership, ability, and reputation. Over the years, several gifted conductors have graced the podium, including Uri Barnea, Jim Riccardo, Jeannine Wager, William Intriligator, Myles Hernandez, Kenneth Freed and Jeffrey Stirling.

Based at Washburn High School in Minneapolis, the KSO represents over 50 highly accomplished volunteer musicians of diverse ages and occupations including students, working professionals, and retirees, all passionate about playing and sharing great music. 

We are a nonprofit organization financed primarily by members' dues, financial gifts from friends and supporters, our annual Masters Concerto and Aria Competition and Concert (MCAC) event, and annual performance partnerships with The Metropolitan Ballet.

The Kenwood Symphony Orchestra Mission
To play, share, and inspire great music by:

- Offering performance opportunities
- Programming appealing repertoire
- Performing free concerts
- Including under-served communities
- Bringing learning to life through music

Meet the KSO!

Organization Data


Organization name

Kenwood Symphony Orchestra

Tax id (EIN)



PO BOX 19591