Isanti County Commission on Aging/SAC's

A nonprofit organization

2 donors

ICCOA provides many ways for independent seniors to remain involved, connected, and supported by their communities. A number of informational, educational, and entertaining events and programs are scheduled throughout the year, joining friends and "family".


In addition, there are many older adults who cannot or do not want to move from their home of choice even though they may be in need of extra assistance. They may live on a fixed income, forced to choose each month between food and other necessitiess like rent, utilities and medical care. 

Consider two of our recently enrolled customers, Rose and Carl (names have been changed to protect privacy). Carl has several medical conditions that require close attention. Because of their limited mobility, low income, and medical expenses, they were unable to purchase (or pick up) sufficient groceries on a regular basis. As a result, Carl's medical conditions became serious and they had to call an ambulance several times during a week.  Our delivery services combined with an emergency food reserve have allowed them to remain in their home and access the food they need.

Note - Following our internal procedures, we also followed up with Isanti County Family Services.

ICCOA's program Cart to Cupboard provides weekly service--1 household for 1 year costs $2,288--7% of assisted living facility, 3% of nursing home costs. Our service is valuable - our customers, priceless!

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Organization Data


Organization name

Isanti County Commission on Aging/SAC's

Tax id (EIN)



Economic Development


140 Buchanan Street North, #164
Cambridge, MN 55008
