Organization name
Inner Genius
Tax id (EIN)
Arts & Culture , Education , Children & Family
saint paul, MN 55110
**UPDATE: We have changed our non-profit name, Paint Your Story, to Inner Genius to fit our revised mission. Thank you for being so understanding.**
Hi! Thank you for stopping by to learn how you can support us in making a difference! We are excited to share Inner Genius's new pilot project, Mental Emotional Mastery! We invite you to read more to find out what YOU can do to help us achieve our goal.
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Inner Genius is always striving to evolve as a non-profit to enrich our communities. Our pilot project, Mental Emotional Mastery, will be shared with adults and children to enhance psychological and physiological development through the four pillars of education, connection, creativity, and mindfulness. Our goal is for individuals to establish a skill set focused on emotional intelligence and nervous system regulation. We believe this will encourage adults and children to be empathetic and learn how to self-regulate, which will radiate compassion into their schools, home, and society.
It's no secret internal and external violence are increasing. Our children are at risk more than ever to be subjected to discrimination, violence, racism, confusion and many others.
WHY THE CHANGE? And how can we help?
These are the questions we are committed to answering. Nycole and Shannon have a passion for addressing the root cause of increased violence and self-harm. Bridging the gap between the stigma of emotional illiteracy and healthy self-regulation by providing children a safe space to learn, self-express and share their emotional story.
We believe by going right to the heart of things with a program to teach and children about their emotions, how to regulate themselves, and how to respond to others when they are dis-regulated, we can truly impact a generation that is screaming for help and direction.
We are creating grade specific workbooks to do just this!
‘Emotional Intelligence’ are buzz words making their way into our media and homes. But what does that even mean? Emotional intelligence by definition is the capacity to be aware of, control, and express one's emotions, and to handle interpersonal relationships judiciously and empathetically.
By giving the children the tools of awareness, regulation, empathy and decision-making, we will be able to give them a way to handle not only how THEY are feeling. But a skill set to understand and respond in a healthy way to others emotions.
These children deserve to feel and know they are safe. We are humbled and grateful for any support that feels comfortable for you. Please follow us on Facebook to watch how this community changing program unfolds.
Why donate?
Your support gives us the ability to continue to create age appropriate material for the pilot program which will be implemented in local schools.
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Click on HERE (Mental Emotional Mastery) to learn more about the Science behind the why!
Paint Your Story's Background
Paint Your Story Foundation (PYS) was established in 2016, gaining its 501(c)(3) status in 2017. In 2023 we decided to change our name to reflect our revised mission. Our new name is Inner Genius. Our mission began serving the mission of "Inspiring individuals to explore and embrace their unique self, better understanding the value they contribute to the community" through small private events in 2016.
We thank you for supporting our workshops and programs! With your support over the years, we've enjoyed sharing our mission with the following entities.
Organization name
Inner Genius
Tax id (EIN)
Arts & Culture , Education , Children & Family