Organization name
Idaho Law Foundation
Tax id (EIN)
Education , Children & Family
PO BOX 895BOISE, ID 83701
Established in 1975 by a group of visionary attorneys, the Idaho Law Foundation has served as the charitable arm of the Idaho State Bar for over 40 years. Our membership includes attorneys licensed through the Bar.
The Idaho Law Foundation supports the right of all people to live in a peaceful community. Our mission is to increase access to legal services and enhance public understanding of the law. Our cornerstone programs are Idaho Volunteer Lawyers Program and Law Related Education.
Idaho Volunteer Lawyers Program serves people in Idaho that cannot afford legal services and members of the Idaho State Bar who seek to meet their professional goal of providing pro bono legal services. Through the past 35 years, IVLP has exponentially increased access to legal services in all parts of Idaho.
Law Related Education is a civic education program that works to enhance public understanding of and respect for the law and our legal system. LRE provides students of all ages with tools to reinforce learning while helping to build positive relationships between students and members of Idaho's legal community. LRE programs offer students an avene to recognize the rights and responsibilities of citizenship. Our programs include the Idaho High School Mock Trial Program, Citizens' Law Academy, and the 18 in Idaho publication.
Organization name
Idaho Law Foundation
Tax id (EIN)
Education , Children & Family
PO BOX 895