Organization name
Human Life Alliance
Tax id (EIN)
Education , Health
1614 93rd Lane NEMinneapolis, MN 55449
Human Life Alliance promotes awareness the inherent dignity and personhood of human life, born and preborn, without exception or compromise. Human Life Alliance proclaims and defends a culture of life and chastity through education, social and political awareness, and life-affirming alternatives to abortion, infanticide, assisted suicide, and euthanasia. Human Life Alliance accomplishes its mission in a spirit of prayer and non-violence.
Human Life Alliance has served the pro-life community around the world for more than 46 years by pioneering educational initiatives, working with policymakers, assisting unwed mothers, reaching teens, and saving the lives of young women and their babies—especially young women between the ages 15 and 24 who are in the greatest danger of crisis pregnancies. HLA presents the truth about abortion and supports life-affirming alternatives to infanticide, euthanasia, assisted suicide, and the so-called “safer-sex” myths to change hearts and save lives every day.
Over the years, HLA has established an extraordinary record of service - an unrelenting commitment and dedication to developing respect for all human life. HLA's goal us to distribute its life-saving materials around the globe to make abortion not just illegal, but unthinkable. Since beginning printed educational campaigns in 1990, HLA has reached 240 million people in all 50 States, 88 different countries, and all 7 continents.
HLA’s seeks to develop a pro-life worldview with the following goals in mind:
What materials do we offer?
Access the top resource for sidewalk counseling now! The groundbreaking Street Magazine aims to connect with a young woman facing a crisis pregnancy, educate her about the unborn child, and shed light on the harsh truths of abortion. An excellent tool for reaching out to young women at abortion facilities. Contains 24 pages.
“Four pregnant teens, all of them abortion-minded, came to the center as a result of the HLA Supplement, and all of them have decided to carry their babies to term! Ironically, these unwed, pregnant mothers were not college students themselves but all had mothers who had returned to college. In each case, completely unrelated to and independent of the other, it was the mother who read the HLA Supplement and was motivated through it to help her daughter seek alternatives to abortion. Without a doubt, the HLA Supplement should be credited for saving those four babies.”
Equipping young people with healthy relationship skills and the tools to say no to unnecessary risks empowers them to build the life they’re striving toward! This 16-page flip-magazine gives teens important information about sexual risk avoidance, tips for safe and healthy dating relationships, building confidence, and saying no to pornography. Created by certified SRA specialists, this magazine makes a great supplement for health classes, sexual risk avoidance seminars, & youth ministry
Organization name
Human Life Alliance
Tax id (EIN)
Education , Health
1614 93rd Lane NE