Organization name
Green Cities Accord
Tax id (EIN)
Environment , Community
PO Box 582877Minneapolis, MN 55458
Support Green Cities Accord
Green Cities Accord is the nonprofit that makes it easy for you to take action in your community and fight climate change. By investing in our urban tree canopy, you’re not only helping the environment but also supporting your neighbors and making your city a better place to live. We need your help to protect and grow our urban tree canopy.
Trees do so much more than just provide shade. They capture carbon, help clean the air, mitigate stormwater, and reduce heating and cooling costs. Plus, trees have a big impact on our mental and physical health. Your contribution will help us expand and maintain our urban tree canopy, ensuring that everyone can benefit from the many positive impacts that trees offer.
Join Green Cities Accord in growing a greener, more climate resilient future. Your financial support enables us to protect and grow our urban tree canopy, enhancing the health and quality of life for all urban residents. Stand with us by contributing today. Together, we are growing climate resilient communities!
Organization name
Green Cities Accord
Tax id (EIN)
Environment , Community
PO Box 582877