Organization name
Gifts for Seniors
Tax id (EIN)
Health , Community , Wishes
BIPOC Serving
BIPOC Serving
LGBTQ+ Serving
LGBTQ+ Serving
2300 Kennedy St NE, Suite 40Minneapolis, MN 55413
Please also visit our website for contactless shop and ship options for our annual holiday gift drive for seniors who may not have friends or family stopping by. This large community collaborative has provided gifts and personal contact to isolated seniors since 1994.
Please watch the video below to see our social mission in action:
Gifts for Seniors provides resources and life-affirming personal contact for isolated older adults. With the critical support of donors, volunteers, and community partnerships, we strive to alleviate the loss of connection to others and the spiral into devastating loneliness. Join us in bringing joy to over 7,000 neighbors in need!
"It is due to support like yours that we are able to help our neighborhood elderly remain not only healthy, but safely and comfortably in their homes rather than early nursing home placement."
~ Chris Langer, North-End South Como Block Nurse Program
"Gifts for Seniors is a wonderful charity. Not only do the forgotten seniors receive gifts, but also a personal visit from someone. Sometimes, the visit is worth more than the gift. If your company is looking for a new program to support and give back to, please consider Gifts for Seniors. It is one of our most treasured events."
~ Tracie Baumann, Operations Accounting Manager at Wells Fargo Insurance Services
View our current participation opportunities.
Online Event
30th Annual Gifts for Seniors Holiday Gift Drive for Isolated Older Adults
Gift Registries at
Ongoing opportunity
Organization name
Gifts for Seniors
Tax id (EIN)
Health , Community , Wishes
BIPOC Serving
BIPOC Serving
LGBTQ+ Serving
LGBTQ+ Serving
2300 Kennedy St NE, Suite 40