Organization name
Frozen River Film Festival
Tax id (EIN)
Arts & Culture , Education , Children & Family
164 E 3rd StWinona, MN 55987
$1,780 raised by 20 donors
59% complete
$3,000 Goal
MISSION STATEMENT: The Frozen River Film Festival engages, educates, and activates our community to become involved in the world through the art of documentary filmmaking.
The Frozen River Film Festival offers programs that engage, educate and activate viewers to become involved in the world. These programs provide a unique perspective on environmental issues, sustainable communities, adventure travel and sports, and diverse cultures while showcasing the art of documentary film. Our films often explore issues, concerns, and life’s successes that are usually not covered in the local media.
We connect our viewers with people at the heart of current events, organizations at the forefront of social change, and distinct cultures in an increasingly global community.
Documentary films and our year-round programming provide new knowledge and insights to the audience that may not be readily available through other media. Whether intellectual or aesthetic, this knowledge can move a person to act.
Our filmmaking workshops and forums inspire local filmmakers to improve their craft. These events often feature world-class filmmakers who impart valuable skills and inspiration to the audience. Indeed, visiting filmmakers welcome these opportunities to gather with peers and film enthusiasts and learn from each other while at the Festival.
Our high-caliber documentary films feature interviews, exciting stories, or perspective on current affairs that will often captivate and engross the viewer. Films often hit home on a personal note for viewers. Films encourage attendees to learn more about an issue, volunteer with an organization, get outside, or help financially support a cause they believe in.
In addition, face-to-face Q&A sessions with filmmakers and producers are a rewarding bonus to our festival screenings Q&A sessions with the filmmaker or producer. This happens immediately after showing of the film when the audience has the story fresh in its mind. Viewers then delve into details of how the film was made, what the film’s characters are doing now, or how the celebrity found inspiration to make the documentary. Those follow-ups keep the audience engaged. Periodic workshops and forums throughout the year can keep viewers engaged as well.
Frozen River Film Festival activates participants to make positive changes in their lives. We hope viewers can find inspiration for enhanced personal growth, or commit more time to community involvement. Our films are not isolated artifacts. While the variety of our programming allows many people to glimpse a world they knew little of, those inspired by a film can often delve into its content, extend in its discussion, or donate to its cause by visiting its website. We hope to inspire additional research on a topic, share knowledge or concerns, or participate in social media forums. FRFF workshops, collaborative efforts, forums and social media outreach efforts provide additional incentives.
The craft of our Filmmakers is as inspiring as their content. By facilitating interaction with established filmmakers, we encourage those who’ve just started exploring the art of documentary filmmaking.
Opinions expressed in films do not reflect the opinions of Frozen River Film Festival and its Board of Directors. The film festival provides audiences with opportunities to experience different viewpoints through documentary film and engage in thoughtful discourse about contemporary issues.
Organization name
Frozen River Film Festival
Tax id (EIN)
Arts & Culture , Education , Children & Family
164 E 3rd St