Organization name
Fresh Energy
Tax id (EIN)
Environment , Science, Tech & Business , Community
408 Saint Peter Street Suite 350Saint Paul, MN 55102
Fresh Energy is speeding Minnesota’s transition to a clean energy economy, which will ensure that our region enjoys good health, a vibrant economy, and thriving communities today and for generations to come.
Will you join us with a donation to Fresh Energy for Give to the Max Day 2024? Thanks to a generous supporter, we have a $10,000 matching grant that will match donations made on or after November 1, 2024.
From putting Minnesota on the pathway to being a national renewable energy leader to promoting clean transportation options for our growing economy, Fresh Energy has been an essential partner in helping the region develop efficient, cost-effective, and inclusive energy programming.
To prevent the worst impacts of climate change, we need to act now and dramatically reduce carbon emissions from all sectors of the economy. Fresh Energy is rising to meet the moment and thanks to supporters like you, our team is driving high impact and innovative clean energy policies across Minnesota and the Midwest. From Minnesota's landmark 100% clean electricity law to improving the efficiency of residential and commercial buildings and more, your support of Fresh Energy helps ensure that we can:
We are sharing a collective moment where our clean energy future is taking shape before our very eyes. Will you join us in being an active participant by donating to support our work today?
Learn more about Fresh Energy's vision for an abundant future in our “Vision 2030: Fresh Energy’s Strategic Framework” video below:
Organization name
Fresh Energy
Tax id (EIN)
Environment , Science, Tech & Business , Community
408 Saint Peter Street Suite 350