Organization name
Tax id (EIN)
Children & Family , Community , Economic Development
BIPOC Serving
BIPOC Serving
2910 Pillsbury Ave S #432Minneapolis, MN 55408
The Fortune Relief and Youth Empowerment Organization (FRAYEO) is dedicated to fostering the well-being of both youth and adults within the East African communities in Minnesota. Our mission is to facilitate cultural adjustment and enhance socio-economic prosperity by offering a comprehensive range of support services. Through culturally specific programs, we aim to create a continuum of care that not only addresses immediate needs but also contributes to the positive transformation of social and economic structures that perpetuate poverty. By doing so, FRAYEO is committed to making a lasting impact on the lives of individuals and the overall resilience of the community.
FRAYEO's Vision is to catalyze transformative change in the lives of youth and adults by implementing vibrant, culturally specific programs. Our commitment lies in delivering inclusive, innovative, and sustainable services that not only address the diverse needs of individuals but also foster a sense of social responsibility. Through these efforts, we strive to empower youth and adults across generations, working towards the eradication of economic disparities and the promotion of a more equitable society.
Minnesota is home to a significant population of East African community who are immigrants and refugees. While some individuals from this community have become emerging leaders in social, political, and business spheres, a majority of East African youth and young adults experience a high poverty rate. Several of the youth in our communities face challenges in accessing community resources due to various barriers that includes language, transportation and technology barriers.
Your Donation Will:
1) Help youth get coats and other winter gear
2) Help youth get bus cards to access resources
FRAYEO plays a pivotal role to educate youth about every option so that they will one day become successful leaders in life. We Leverage the power of our communities to embrace the young people who lack support and mentorship. We help create a network of stable adults who can provide a lasting support to the Youth. We are a research hub and a community wellness Center. Our Values of HOPE. JOY, DIVERSITY & OPTIMISM will lead to the development of a Society, Humanity and Nation.
Organization name
Tax id (EIN)
Children & Family , Community , Economic Development
BIPOC Serving
BIPOC Serving
2910 Pillsbury Ave S #432