Franciscan Brothers of Peace, Inc.

A nonprofit organization

711 donors

The Franciscan Brothers of Peace, by prayer and works of mercy, grant free aid for the physical, spiritual and emotional the poor.

Kai Blud is actively dying. After valiantly fighting an aggressive cancer for some years, he is soon to embark on his final journey to meet our Lord. We, the Franciscan Brothers of Peace, believe that he will be greeted by Him with “Well done, good and faithful servant… Come share your master’s happiness” (Mt 25:21). Kai Blud is leaving behind a beautiful legacy, via personal suffering, surrender, tenacity and fulfillment, which we, the Franciscan Brothers promise to continue to nurture and bring to fruition (His is a type of tenacity via suffering which we are privileged to encounter within so many of the poor persons to whom we minister – Christ within the disguise of the poor).

Originally from the Karen region of Myanmar, Kai Blud all his life has faithfully practiced his Catholicity in the midst of great personal turmoil due to the generations-long civil war still raging in his home country. Fleeing from jungle village to jungle village to escape the violence inflicted by the Burmese military, Kai Blud attempted to eke out a living by walking five days to Thailand to buy cattle to resell in his village to support not only his four children, but as a village catechist to also support, feed and nurture the faith of the other children, especially within his village. One of these excursions to Thailand, Kai Blud was captured by the Burmese army, forcing years-long separation from his family, having been exiled to another village.

Kai Blud was distraught. Pinning a picture of the Blessed Virgin to a tree, he would pray the rosary for his family, supplicating her for his and his family’s protection. Eventually fleeing, he made his way to a refugee camp along the Thai border. He spent 15 long years in limbo there before being selected for relocation within the United States. Thankful to God, Kai Blud was so happy!

Along with a handful of other Karen refugees, he was relocated to Saint Paul, MN. One day in 2010, Kai Blud knocked on the door of Queen of Peace Friary. With this simple knock, he was indeed planting a seed which would thrive and grow. He was seeking out a welcoming home parish for himself and his fledgling Karen community. They numbered a community of a few households. Today, via the aid of the Franciscan Brothers of Peace, the St. Paul based Karen Catholic Community numbers about 500 persons with Fr. Seraphim, fbp as their officially assigned chaplain. 

Well done, good and faithful servant. Kia Blud is but one example of the hope, courage, tenacity and faithfulness of so many poor and disadvantaged persons to whom the Franciscan Brothers of Peace are privileged to minister daily. Whether it be the struggling single mothers begging for foodstuffs to feed their children, or our hero veterans at the VA Medical Center who again through faithfulness and tenacity struggle to get back up on their feet, the witness of all these individuals moves the Brothers’ hearts to witness Jesus within each of them.

We too, witness Christ within you, our dear friends and benefactors. Our life as Franciscan Brothers and all of our ministries would not be possible without your support. Following the Franciscan tradition, and through our mission, we rely totally on divine providence to supply for our daily financial needs. As you read this right now, know that we could not survive and meet the needs of our neighbors without your financial generosity. Know this as well, that as you consider giving, that we, the Franciscan Brothers of Peace, promise to lift up to God in prayer your intentions and the intentions of each of your loved ones.

May God Bless You and Grant You His peace!

Organization Data


Organization name

Franciscan Brothers of Peace, Inc.

Tax id (EIN)


BIPOC Serving

BIPOC Serving


Queen of Peace Friary 1289 Lafond Avenue
Saint Paul, MN 55104



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