Organization name
Foxloft Conservancy
other names
Vulture Conservancy
Tax id (EIN)
Education , Environment , Animals
Box 313Kasson, MN 55944
Foxloft Conservancy has two branches: Wildlife Rehabilitation and Education & Conservation. The Foxloft serves the community of Southern Minnesota through free services in wildlife rescue and rehabilitation, caring for hundreds of injured and orphaned animals in need each year.
Our mission is to conserve and protect vultures worldwide through education, outreach, research, rehabilitation, and advocacy. We focus on raising awareness by providing educational opportunities for people to connect with and learn about vultures and the importance of their preservation. We want to help create a world where vultures are cherished for their importance to the ecosystem and are thriving in their natural habitats.
Along with our own work, we strive to support vulture research projects and on-the-ground conservation work focused on vultures worldwide.
Organization name
Foxloft Conservancy
other names
Vulture Conservancy
Tax id (EIN)
Education , Environment , Animals
Box 313