Organization name
Folwell Middle School
NCES ID Number
3611 20th Avenue SMinneapolis, MN 55407
It is the vision of Folwell School, Performing Arts
Magnet (formerly Ramsey International
Fine Arts Center) to be a school of excellence, with high quality staff,
effective instruction and successful, responsible students. The comprehensive
program teaches the core standards that are aligned with the state standards.
Students receive differentiated instruction according to their levels. All
classes are integrated with fine arts content, including dance, theatre, vocal
music, visual art, band and strings.
We are an ethnically diverse school with 50% of our
population being Hispanic. Last year our
ELL academic growth was higher than the state average according to the Annual
Measurable Achievement Objectives (AMAO).
In the last couple of years we have shown growth in math from our
African American students. Among these
and other positive accomplishments we are proud of our high attendance rate,
our declining behavior referrals and the large number of volunteer support we
have that aids in the success of our school.
*Folwell provides a national award winning integrated arts program to inner-city youth, programming includes:
4th grade opera
Dance Math
ArtWorks Team
We believe that art is just as important to academic success as the four core subjects. We have been impacted with losses to our arts funding. Support the arts in school. Your donation to Folwell will help keep the arts community strong in today's young aspriing artists and future academics.
Our goal this year is to raise:
$500.00 for materials for visual art students to create a tile mural with an artist in residence.
$600.00 for tap shoes and music
$2000.00 to provide artists in residence to inspire students in vocal music and self confidence through pop culture and a cappella performance techniques.
$3000.00 for costumes and scenery for Suessical, our spring musical.
*See video about our award winning arts integration.
Organization name
Folwell Middle School
NCES ID Number
3611 20th Avenue S