Field Regina Northrop Neighborhood Group

A nonprofit organization

$2,545 raised by 19 donors

100% complete

$2,000 Goal

FRNNG is a non-profit organization that depends on contributions of community members to continue serving the Field, Regina and Northrop neighborhoods. Since 1965, FRNNG has been working to strengthen our community in South Minneapolis. Today the organization has a variety of initiatives that work to serve the neighborhood and provide valuable resources.

Some examples of current projects include:

  • Neighborhood communications including the Close to Home print newsletter and Closer to Home e-newsletter that keep you informed and engaged;
  • Community events like the annual Duck Race, Holiday Lights Tour, Earth Day Clean-ups and park celebrations;
  • Minnehaha Creek restoration and buckthorn removal;
  • New snow shoveling assistance program;
  • Neighborhood Business Directory and Holiday Gift Guide;
  • Affordable emergency, exterior, energy and home improvement loan programs;
  • Renovations and support for McRae Park and Recreation Center;
  • Free Home Energy Squad visits.

Organization Data


Organization name

Field Regina Northrop Neighborhood Group

other names

Field-Regina-Northrop Neighborhood Group Inc.

Tax id (EIN)





906 East 47th Street
Minneapolis, MN 55407


612 208 6004

Social Media