Organization name
Family Promise Rochester
Tax id (EIN)
Children & Family , Community , Humanitarian Aid , Volunteer
BIPOC Serving
BIPOC Serving
913 1st Street NWROCHESTER, MN 55901
Family Promise Rochester (FPR) has been operating in the community since 1999. FPR initially started as Interfaith Hospitality Network of Greater Rochester and has since transformed into Family Promise Rochester. Here, families experiencing homelessness receive a warm safe place to call home, hot meals, shower and laundry facilities along with case management and ongoing life skills programming. Family Promise Rochester’s North Star House, shelter, allows 3 families to stay for up to 4 months while they work with a case manager to achieve sustainable independence.
My favorite part of Family Promise is our twice monthly Life Skills classes. These classes are held at Northrup Education Center for current AND graduate families. Families are provided supper and an educational time for the adults. Classes are on various topics such as finances, insurance, health and safety, cooking, parenting, and job interviews and resumes. The kiddos also have classes that are typically full of fun and games. We strongly believe that these classes--the education and feeling of community-- are what keep our families from entering back into homelessness after graduating from our program.
As you consider organizations to support, please remember that the safety net that Family Promise Rochester provides to families cannot be done without the support of our donors and volunteers.
What we will do with your donations:
- Serve 3 families in shelter, 10-20 families a year in shelter diversion and prevention, and up to 30 families in our life skills classes.
- Purchase food, medicine, cleaning supplies, and personal needs for families as they arise.
- In the winter of 2024 we will be moving to a new facility and at our new space we will be able to house 8-12 families at a time. We are very excited to be able to help and house more families at a time, however this will grow our operating budget tremendously. We can not make this a success without your support!
Thank you for believing in the mission of Family Promise Rochester and for your unending support as we adapt to change, challenge our strengths, and collaborate in creative ways to best serve the most vulnerable families among us.
Erin Sinnwell, Executive Director
Family Promise Rochester
Organization name
Family Promise Rochester
Tax id (EIN)
Children & Family , Community , Humanitarian Aid , Volunteer
BIPOC Serving
BIPOC Serving
913 1st Street NW