Organization name
Tax id (EIN)
Health , Faith , Memorials
2845 N Hamline AveRoseville, MN 55113
To GIVE DIRECTLY to Croixdale and AVOID paying the GiveMN administration fees, visit our website and click MAKE A GIFT Thank you for using our secure, direct online giving page for making your gift. Giving directly to Croixdale will ensure more of your gift is directed to PHS.
Croixdale serves the mission of Presbyterian Homes & Services - to honor God by enriching the lives and touching the hearts of older adults. We ask that you consider supporting the mission of Presbyterian Homes through the Employee Hardship Fund or the Benevolence Fund.
Gifts to the Employee Hardship Fund help PHS employees who experience serious financial hardships - often due to home fires, limiting, serious illnesses or unexpected burial costs for loved ones. We know that being a part of the solution to these significant and urgent situations yields positive results. We see it at communities. Employees’ lives are stabilized, and they can continue working and serving residents.
Support of the Benevolence Fund transforms an adverse situation into a joyful one. Last year contributions to the Benevolence Fund provided financial relief for residents. You can only imagine how important this fund is to each them. No one ever plans to run out of money but life happens and your neighbors experience financial hardship as a result of prolonged illness, the loss of a spouse, diminished retirement funds or reduced benefits and an up and down economy. Families cannot always help. Many adult children have also been affected by this latest roller coaster economy with salary reductions or worse yet, job loss.
Your gift to Croixdale will make a critical difference. Contributions of all sizes are deeply appreciated and will be used with the utmost of care. Every gift, small or large, touches the hearts of the older adults we serve. THANK YOU!
Organization name
Tax id (EIN)
Health , Faith , Memorials
2845 N Hamline AvePhone