Organization name
Concordia Academy
Tax id (EIN)
Education , Faith
2400 Dale St NRoseville, MN 55113
It’s a sad truth: every year students are unable to attend high school at Concordia Academy because they can’t afford tuition. Even though 1 in 3 of our students receives tuition assistance, of the nearly $400,000 that is awarded, only 25% is funded.
With your help, we can ensure that students from all economic backgrounds continue to blessed by what God does through Concordia Academy. Please consider partnering with us in obtaining our goal of increasing our funded tuition by 50%.
Thank you for your prayerful consideration.
CA students participate in our award winning Vision4Life service program, compete in state and national science competitions, and often advance to state competition in athletics. The mission of CA is to Honor God through Excellence.
Organization name
Concordia Academy
Tax id (EIN)
Education , Faith
2400 Dale St N