Organization name
Community Crops
Tax id (EIN)
Environment , Health , Economic Development
1551 S 2ND STLINCOLN, NE 68502
Be a part of a food-growing community. Through your donation, Community Gardeners can grow food, Growing Farmers can start their new businesses and Young Urban Farmers can learn to enjoy growing and eating fresh vegetables.
Community Crops has 12 community garden sites and 5 acres at Prairie Pines, our training farm, where new farmers learn how to grow and sell their crops. Our Youth Urban Farming Program puts gardens in schools, teaching the next generation to grow and eat good food.
Why does growing food matter?
Caroline, a long-time community gardeners said, “Gardening has given my husband access to the healthy vegetables which has made it possible, with exercise, to totally control his diabetes. He no longer has to take any medication."
Lorrie started gardening with us in 2015, and has seen impressive health benefits. She said, “My physical therapist is so impressed with how much stronger I am and I've lost weight, since I started garden. We figured out it was from sitting on the crate and rising up and moving it, to do the weeding"
Jordan and Dustin have been improving their farming skills for the last two years in the Growing Farmers Training Program. They sharded that, “Navigating how to have your own business and [hearing about] other farmers’ experiences…it is really essential to network with local farmers out there”. “I think [gardening teaches you about] shifting your focus from ‘I’m going to solve all the world’s problems’ on a national level to smaller change…’think globally, act locally’”.
For these reasons, and many more, growing food in Lincoln matters. Please donate today to grow food where you live!
ALL donations to Community Crops benefit our program participants in Lincoln. Your donation will be put to work wherever it is most needed.
Organization name
Community Crops
Tax id (EIN)
Environment , Health , Economic Development
1551 S 2ND ST