Organization name
Citizens League
Tax id (EIN)
Education , Community , Ideas
400 Robert St N #1820Saint Paul, MN 55101
As a nonpartisan, grassroots nonprofit, Citizens League relies on the support of donors just like you, and during Give to the Max giving period, your donation will be matched by our 2024 Board & Friends Matching Fund. This is an amazing opportunity to have your donation doubled.
With your donation to Citizens League, you are contributing to our work as accelerators: helping people understand the issues, creating opportunities to be active in the public policy making process, empowering the next generation of young leaders, and building relationships and partnerships that challenge the status quo of political division and polarization.
Your Give to the Max Day gift is an investment in our collective future! The League is breaking ground with new policy projects and advancing topics important to Minnesotans, such as:
Amidst a hyper-polarizing election year, you may find there are very few organizations like the Citizens League that work to bridge divides, create spaces for constructive dialogue, and find pragmatic solutions. That spirit of working together to find solutions, being civically engaged, and creating space for honest dialogue on important topics has always been the driving force behind the Citizens League’s work.
Thank you for your support! As a nonpartisan, grassroots nonprofit, Citizens League relies on the support of donors just like you. Together, we’ll keep building a more hopeful, positive and collaborative approach to public policy and civic life in Minnesota.
Organization name
Citizens League
Tax id (EIN)
Education , Community , Ideas
400 Robert St N #1820