Organization name
Chinese Social Service Center
Tax id (EIN)
6632 Penn Ave S.Richfield, MN 55423
1. We have Chinese Senior Program plus Senior adult day center, held big group activities once a month. Seniors tend to feel lonely at their home, due to language and transportation barriers. At the senior program, seniors socialize with each other, learned a lot from the seminars given by doctors on health issues; by attorney on immigration topics; and on other social services, medicare, Medicaid areas.
2. During our Summer Youth Programs for past 5 years, parents feel very grateful that our programs really help their kids to make progress in school. Parents keep asking: "when is the time to open the remedial program next summer?" "Do you open 'after-school program'?, we hope you can come to pick our kids up for after-school program, Because in late afternoon times, it is too busy for us to drive them back and forth to your program". But currently we are lack of resources to provide transportation as well as permanent staff to those kids who need remedial program to help them with their school works.
3. CSSC has provided social services to disadvantaged community members since 2002. One client, Ms. Yu, spoke to the director: "Thank you for your helping me and my family for all of these years. Without you, I would not live in the subsidized housing as we are now; my husband wouldn't reunite with us in US without your help; We wouldn't get any medical insurance at all." Another senior couple expressed their gratitude to CSSC, "Thank you for your help. Without your helping us getting into emergent M.A., my husband would die of heart problems. Now he got surgery of bypass and pacemaker." There are many other examples like these.
4. ESL/Citizenship Program: This is the first program CSSC has provided for the community for past 10 years since Nov. 2002. we provided one ESL/Citizenship class to our seniors and immigrants since 2002. Two ESL/Citizenship classes have been provided since 2006. Classes are taught bilingually on Saturday afternoons from Sept to June all year round. There are about 500 seniors and immigrants who attended these classes. About 280 seniors and immigrants who passed citizenship test with the help of our ESL/citizenship classes.
5. Health Education and Counseling program: We refer no insurance, low income clients to SAGE clinic for breast, cervix cancer screenings. We invite AMCP physicians to give health talks at Senior gathrings and other gathering locations. Every day, we provided basic, common sense health counseling to those community members who have low education level and no English skills.
Organization name
Chinese Social Service Center
Tax id (EIN)
6632 Penn Ave S.