Organization name
Chatfield Lutheran Church
Tax id (EIN)
304 Fillmore Street SEChatfield, MN 55923
Help Our Neighbors' grant will end in June.
Now is the time for you to support the continuation and the expansion of Help Our Neighbors.
Your support will be used to allow HON to develop new, cost-effective and sustainable approaches to help older adults maintain their health and independence. HON is a non-profit organization focused on providing services for seniors to live independently in their homes as they age in place. HON currently offers evidence based exercise classes for arthritis and Bone Builders to help with osteoporosis and flexibility. We have collaborated with Olmsted Medical and the community to provide caregiver support, health education and health nutrition. In addition HON provides transportation, caregiver support, respite care, outdoor chores, light house cleaning, minor home repair and home safety checks. These senior services have been developed to allow seniors to age in place in a community they have grown to love, however, seniors are faced with a reduced number of services to support their decision to remain in their own home as they age. HON has begun to realize the many needs of this community and the lack of support for the oldest county in Minnesota.
HON has worked extensively and has been instrumental in creating opportunities in the following areas: health management, community-based services and social engagement. In a three year study we have significantly reduced falls in the home. Although HON receives donations for our services, it is not enough to help continue our focus.
HON has accomplished a great deal but there is still much more to do. Your generous support will allow HON to improve on developed services and allow HON to:
Provide opportunities for early dialog between clients, family and county services to facilitate the long term care decision sooner to deal with the limited resources here in Chatfield.
Screen clients for the early detection of dementia/Alzheimer and offer tools for the growing number of seniors facing this illness and provide education for the caregivers.
Establish more caregiver training for professional and informal caregivers in the area to allow those participants opportunities closer to home.
Help seniors create their legacy letter to begin the conversation of the end of life journey.
To create lifelong learning through the arts.
Develop more social opportunities with a meal to encourage nutrition in an area that has no senior dining.
All of these services need coordination and a full time director.
Please help and support now!
Now is the time to donate and double your dollars.
Consider donating throughout the month to help HON be entered in a drawing each day to win an extra $1,000 dollars.
Help keep HON going in Chatfield. Donate now.
Organization name
Chatfield Lutheran Church
Tax id (EIN)
304 Fillmore Street SE