Organization name
Charities Review Council
Tax id (EIN)
Education , Community , Economic Development , Ideas
1915 Highway 36 West Ste 133Roseville, MN 55113-2709
At Charities Review Council...
We are nonprofit partners.
We meet organizations where they are. With a combination of cloud-based technical assistance, non-judgmental support, and robust resources, we partner with nonprofits to strengthen their internal policies, practices, and procedures with our Accountability Wizard, aligning to co-created standards of nonprofit strength and accountability. By using our Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Toolkit, nonprofits have the tools they need to build a more effective and reflective organization from the inside-out.
We are donor partners.
Charities Review Council knows that all donors are investors. We collaborate with donors and grantmakers to ensure that every precious dollar goes to strong, ethical, and trustworthy nonprofits.
When you donate to the Council...
You help inform donors like yourself, empower nonprofits doing good in your community, and build a strong, accountable philanthropic culture in Minnesota and beyond. A gift to the Council strengthens communities by providing resources and powering online tools for donors and nonprofits alike.
Check out our list of strong, trustworthy, and accountable nonprofits at
Looking for giving guidance?
Our Smart Giver Newsletter is published twice a year and includes the Giving Guide, a list of strong, accountable nonprofits that have demonstrated a commitment to openness by voluntarily participating in the Council's online review process. Learn more at
Organization name
Charities Review Council
Tax id (EIN)
Education , Community , Economic Development , Ideas
1915 Highway 36 West Ste 133