Organization name
Canvas Health
other names
HSI, Inc.
Tax id (EIN)
Health , Children & Family
7066 Stillwater Blvd. NorthOakdale, MN 55128
Thanks to donors like you, people heal
It’s not easy, it’s often not glamorous, and it doesn’t follow a predictable timeline. But it happens, thanks to the perseverance of our determined clients and the expertise and belief of our dedicated clinicians.
Take Matthew*, for example. Since his teen years, he’s battled severe depression and anxiety, compounded by an unstable living situation. He tried to numb his pain with alcohol and drugs, leading to legal troubles and estrangement from his family.
In his darkest moments, Matthew turned to Canvas Health. We guided him to the help he needed: a substance use counselor to address his addictions, a supportive group to combat isolation, and a mental health therapist to heal the root causes of his pain. Family and friends also began supporting him again, attending our Concerned Persons Group to learn effective ways to aid his recovery.
Recently, Matthew returned to our clinic to sign our Sobriety Tree, marking one year of sobriety. He continues to engage with his mental health therapist, is working in our community, and is mending relationships with his family.
Matthew’s journey is a testament to the fact that no one is meant to stay in the darkness.
Because of you, he understands that he belongs in the light.
Because of you, people heal.
Today, I invite you to make a meaningful contribution to support families facing the challenges of mental illness and substance use disorders. With over 60% of our clients relying on Medical Assistance programs, your support ensures that our underserved neighbors receive the care they need.
Organization name
Canvas Health
other names
HSI, Inc.
Tax id (EIN)
Health , Children & Family
7066 Stillwater Blvd. North