Burnside Elementary

Public School

22 donors

Elementary learning for students in grade 2-grade 4! Our goal is $5000 between our 2 elementary schools! Revenue equally divided!

We are raising funds for additional, needed nonfiction book titles in each grade.

A book's subject and focus is so important to a child actually picking up that book and reading it.  The Elementary PAC is excited to help our princiapls gain the funds to purchase more non-fiction books to reach more and more kids.  These non-fiction books would cover more interests, real-life exploration, and encourage more depth in science.

With our new literacy curriculum and emphasis on "Good Fit Books" for our students, our elementary classrooms need books.  Books of all levels & subjects.  Each child is now reading a different book-a book that is "just right" for them and their reading level.  Non-fiction is also needed to meet our new benchmarks of science.  All funds from this fundraiser will be distributed to our principals and teachers to have an adequate array and collection for our students!

Organization Data


Organization name

Burnside Elementary

NCES ID Number





5001 Learning Lane
Red Wing, MN 55066
