Buffalo Community Orchestra Inc

A nonprofit organization

60 donors

100% complete

$0 Goal

Music at the heart of Wright County, performed by musicians from Buffalo and surrounding communities

Buffalo Community Orchestra began in 1994 with a few very dedicated musicians.   Buffalo Community Orchestra's rehearsal and performance activities  line up with the traditional Minnesota school year, from early September to the end of May. We start rehearsing in September and perform four indoor concerts (October, December, March and May) and one outdoor concert in June. Most of our musicians volunteer, playing because we love music and performing music. We play many classical pieces, but offer a few contemporary surprises from around the world.

Concerts are usually at the Buffalo High School Performing Arts Center, on Saturdays or Sundays. Parking is free, cookies and coffee after the concert are free, and so are conversations with orchestra members who join the audience after the concert.  Most musicians are from the Buffalo area, but we have quite a few members who drive from the Twin Cities and adjoining suburbs.

Covid-19 issues forced us to cancel most of our concerts for the 2020-2021 season, but our orchestra is now back in full swing.  We just performed a concert featuring overture works from operas, offering it for free admission. We had many attendees coming to our concert for the first time!  Our concerts for the rest of the 2023-2024 season include a Holiday review with a first performance of a commissioned work by Steve Amundson, "The Winds of Hope", which was funded by donations from 100 Women Who Care.  

Giving Activity

Organization Data


Organization name

Buffalo Community Orchestra Inc

Tax id (EIN)



POB 707
BUFFALO, MN 55313-0000

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