Brady Center to Prevent Gun Violence

A nonprofit organization

74 donors

There are so many survivors and victims of gun violence in the United States. For example, an activist in New York, Gloria Cruz, lost her 10-year-old niece who was riding her bike one sunny day when a bullet, meant for a neighborhood man, tore through her tiny body abruptly halting her vibrant life. Amanda and Nick Wilcox, who are now activists in California, lost their 19-year-old daughter, Laura, to four bullets blasted point-blank from a gun held by a mentally ill man. Colin Goddard, a student at Virginia Tech, was shot four times during the massacre in April 2007. There are daily examples like Gloria and the Wilcox's. Too many people in America are being killed and injured by guns. I believe in the Brady Center's mission to take action to save lives and prevent gun injuries. We can do that by demanding that our elected officials take action because right now it is too easy for dangerous people to get dangerous weapons. We can know the facts ( and educate others about the toll gun violence takes on our country. Take a moment to watch the video by Colin Goddard. Then please support the Brady Center!

Organization Data


Organization name

Brady Center to Prevent Gun Violence

other names

Brady United

Tax id (EIN)



840 First Street NE, Suite 400
