Organization name
Blaine Soccer Club
Tax id (EIN)
Education , Community , Sports
PO BOX 49043BLAINE, MN 55449-0043
Blaine Soccer Club is a non-profit organization dedicated to providing the greatest soccer experience for all players in Northern Metro Minnesota.
Currently, we provide financial aid to qualifying families that helps cover their club dues. Proudly, we can say that BSC has been able to allocate about $30,000 to deserving families. But there are so many more families that still do not have access to quality soccer programming simply because they can’t afford it. This year alone, qualifying families have requested over $70,000 in aid.
Ultimately, your financial assistance would help us reach those kids and provide a quality soccer opportunity for years to come. We are dedicating to the belief that soccer should be for all who want to play – and we are giving our best effort to live that belief. Hopefully, you can help us in our mission.
Organization name
Blaine Soccer Club
Tax id (EIN)
Education , Community , Sports
PO BOX 49043