Organization name
Bladder Cancer Advocacy Network Inc
Tax id (EIN)
Education , Health , Community
4520 East West Highway Suite 610BETHESDA, MD 20814
BCAN was founded by Diane Zipursky Quale and her husband, John Quale. John was a bladder cancer survivor who was initially diagnosed in July 2000. His experience covered a wide range of bladder cancer treatments, including removal of his right kidney, systemic chemotherapy, numerous surgical biopsies and removal of tumors, immunotherapy (BCG and BCG plus interferon), and then more chemotherapy followed by eight weeks of daily radiation. John had surgery in September 2006 for removal of his bladder and prostate. John died of metastatic bladder cancer in June 2008.
Since the Quales began dealing with the disease in 2000, they discovered that there is little knowledge among the general public and general medical community about the causes, symptoms and treatment of bladder cancer, and that there is only a limited amount of information available to those suffering from it. Despite the fact that bladder cancer is the 5th most commonly-diagnosed cancer in the U.S., it has been treated like the “elephant in the room,” the disease no one wants to talk about in public.
Unfortunately, this lack of public recognition results in less funds allocated by the federal government to research devoted to the diagnosis, treatment and cure of bladder cancer. While numerous organizations are devoted to other forms of cancer—in some case multiple organizations advocate for the same cancer—bladder cancer is by far the most prevalent cancer without a single national advocacy voice. Diane and John thought that it was time to give a voice to bladder cancer and the hundreds of thousands of survivors of this disease. With their location in metropolitan Washington, D.C. and their legal backgrounds, the Quales believed that they were in a good position to launch the first national advocacy organization devoted to bladder cancer. With the help of family and friends and a host of volunteers from the bladder cancer community, BCAN is now a reality.
The Bladder Cancer Advocacy Network (BCAN) is a nonprofit organization dedicated to advancing research, providing information and support to the bladder cancer community, and raising awareness of bladder cancer across the country. Learn more about what we are doing to advance research, provide educational resources and support services, and raise awareness.
Organization name
Bladder Cancer Advocacy Network Inc
Tax id (EIN)
Education , Health , Community
4520 East West Highway Suite 610