Bicycle Alliance of Minnesota

A nonprofit organization

$20,812 raised by 227 donors

100% complete

$20,000 Goal

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All donations $250+ (or monthly sustaining equivalent) received by Nov. 21st, 11:59pm will be given a NEW BikeMN Pom-Pom Hat in the color of their choice!

Donations of ANY AMOUNT will receive a glitter sitcker and entry to win 1 of 10 Pom-Pom Hats!

Why Support BikeMN?

We are always hard at work building a more walk and bike-friendly Minnesota. Donors strengthen our statewide voice, get special discounts, and support proven education like the Walk! Bike! Fun! Curriculum, all while sustaining our work statewide. We truly appreciate your support.

Minnesota should be a place where it's easy, safe, and fun for everyone to bike and walk—This benefits the health of people, communities, the environment, and our economy. Here are a few reasons to support BikeMN’s work for Minnesota:

Public Health

Being active just 3x a week can reduce risk of diabetes, heart disease, and hypertension! Active transportation benefits individuals, our environment, and communities at large. 

Climate Change

The transportation sector is the #1 contributor to greenhouse gas emissions in Minnesota. Air pollution is choking us worse than it has in decades - and it’s far worse on vulnerable populations. COVID-19 has shown us that more of us can drive less, and walk and bike more. BikeMN is playing an important role in that transition.

Safety & Education

Over the last decade, though bicyclist fatalities in the state remained about the same, pedestrian fatalities are at a 30-year high. Fear of injury and death prevents many people from walking and bicycling, which is one reason why we are training the next generation to prioritize human life and health in our transportation systems. 

Our Walk! Bike! Fun! Curriculum, Adult Learn to Ride, and People Friendly Driver programs help do this at all age levels. Proven strategies like these need the investment our state, communities, and schools deserve to further the progress we have already made. 

Trails & Infrastructure

Travel outside of most downtown areas and advisory bike lanes, sidewalks, footpaths, and crosswalks disappear. Cities and counties need expertise and public engagement to make up for (literally) lost ground on account of car-centric planning. BikeMN will continue to insist that our elected officials invest in recreational trails, bike routes, basic sidewalk infrastructure, and protected bike lanes.


According to a recent MN DNR survey, 90 percent of us believe getting outdoors is a key component of our happiness. Time spent outdoors improves our psychological, physiological, social wellbeing as we connect with nature and ourselves. At BikeMN, we take the time to experience the outdoors as often as we can and continue to push for opportunities for everyone to do the same.


BikeMN will continue to advocate for directing resources toward communities of color, low-income families, people with mobility and cognitive limitations, individuals experiencing homelessness, citizens of Tribal or Indigenous communities, and others historically denied access to active transportation. We all deserve an inclusive and equitable transportation system - BikeMN will keep working to ensure everyone in our state can access it.

Economic Vitality

Of Forbes “Top 10 Places to Live in America,” all 10 are officially ranked Bicycle Friendly Communities. To continue to grow and sustain their communities, towns need to prioritize walking and bicycling. Across the state, communities like Crosby, Fergus Falls, Walker, Greater Mankato, and many others have seen this first-hand, and we will continue to assist places around the state to do the same.

Suggested annual amounts:

Fixed-Income $20-39 * Individual $40-51 * Household $52-99 * Century Club Donors $100 * Carbon Level Donors $250-999 * Guide Members $1000

Organization Data


Organization name

Bicycle Alliance of Minnesota

Tax id (EIN)



Education Environment Health


3745 Minnehaha Avenue
Minneapolis, MN 55406

Social Media