Organization name
Jericho Road Ministries
Tax id (EIN)
1628 E 33rd StMINNEAPOLIS, MN 55407
To cheerfully lead people from Crisis to Christ-centered hope and restoration.
* Financial assistance for work and funeral transportation, housing, utilites, state identification cards, and medical.
* Food Shelf and Produce Distribution.
* Fairview Clinic Flu Shots and Mobile Dental Clinic.
* Resumes and Job Coaching.
* Budgeting and Referrals.
* Set up diverse inner city softball league.
* Community Gardening project for 25 gardeners
* University of Minnesota Nutrition Class: Simply Good Eating
When Joanne (not her real name) was asked, "What kind of circumstances have led you to come to JRM today for help?", her response was not unusual. She said, "I had only a little food left, but a neighbor family had none, so I shared some of what little I had with them. Now I have run completely out of food for myself and my family, so I am here asking for help from the food shelf."
Organization name
Jericho Road Ministries
Tax id (EIN)
1628 E 33rd St