Land of Lakes Bird Alliance

A nonprofit organization

$1,948 raised by 20 donors

24% complete

$8,000 Goal

Land of Lakes Bird Alliance is thankful for your generosity. Your gift supports programs to advance the health of our bird populations through advocacy, education, and conservation. Please consider an investment in a healthy future for birds and their habitat.

Your donation supports bird conservation and our community of birders by:

  • Providing loaner binoculars to any birder on LLBA outing 

  • Funding a migratory bird banding research station in Honduras 

  • Investing in bioacoustic recording equipment and cavity cameras to support research on Red-headed Woodpeckers 

  • Offering free, educational webinars to the public featuring experts from around the world

  • Providing paid training opportunities for aspiring bird guides from all backgrounds.

  • Providing free, guided bird outings for people of all abilities and experience

  • Providing Spanish-language bird guides and leading Spanish-language bird outings

Organization Data


Organization name

Land of Lakes Bird Alliance

Tax id (EIN)





PO Box 3801
Minneapolis, MN 55403