Organization name
Ashland Productions
Tax id (EIN)
Arts & Culture , Education , Children & Family
2100 White Bear Avenue NorthMaplewood, MN 55109
Ashland Productions relies on donors like you to help us fund the costs of producing theater: paying for directors, choreographers, vocal directors, designers, deck managers, instrumentalists; the costs of fabricating sets, costumes and props; the rights to each show; marketing and box office expenses; and many more! Ticketing income only pays for approximately 40% of these costs, which is why our donors are truly the stars of the show!
The interviews below reveal the extent to which Ashland lives its mission while simultaneously delivering high quality theater for our audiences.
Give today and your donation will be matched dollar-for-dollar by the board up to $5000.
Organization name
Ashland Productions
Tax id (EIN)
Arts & Culture , Education , Children & Family
2100 White Bear Avenue North