Organization name
Art Buddies
Tax id (EIN)
Arts & Culture , Education , Children & Family
110 North Fifth Street Floor 10Minneapolis, MN 55403
When kids take pride in who they are and what they can do, AMAZING things happen!
"I never really knew I was creative before. Now I know I can do anything!" Maria, age 9
Art Buddies brings meaningful after-school arts education to high needs schools through 1:1 mentoring with dedicated creative professionals. For 25 years, we have partnered with Twin Cities public schools to facilitate 10 free weekly sessions focused on writing, design, sculptural and costume art. Through a semester of joyful guided programming and mentorship, young scholars build self-esteem and creativity, discovering all they can do through the power of creative collaboration and connection.
Art Buddies Rob and Chet talk about their experience creating together.
Organization name
Art Buddies
Tax id (EIN)
Arts & Culture , Education , Children & Family
110 North Fifth Street Floor 10