Organization name
American Friends Service Committee
Tax id (EIN)
1500 James Ave NMinneapolis, MN 55411
The AFSC Healing Justice Program of the Twin Cities works to disrupt the cradle-to-prison pipeline by advocating for non-punitive practices and policies such as restorative practices. We achieve this goal by holding popular education workshops with youth ages 14-24 through our youth programming through Students Accelerating Fiercely Everyday -SAFE which focuses on subjects such as the history of race and racism, systemic poverty, and community organizing. With these offerings, youth are given the opportunity to engage with one another about the issues affecting them directly. Once youth are provided space to develop an analysis of systemic racism and are given language that speaks to their lived experience they are more likely to engage in direct action or take on anti-racist community organizing campaigns within their community.
Why Restorative Practices?
The history of harm from colonization to racism and militarism, has robbed many communities of their cultural heritage. This can include anything from someone's connection to the land, to their own systems of mediation and decision-making. By reclaiming the humanity of restorative practices, we can begin to recover the agency and resilience within our own communities that have slowly dwindled through years of oppression.
The Twin Cities Healing Justice Program works to disrupt the cradle-to-prison pipeline through anti-racist youth organizing, restorative practices, coalition building and thought leadership. We help to build the capacity of youth, educators and community members as they seek to have intentional conversations about race, racism and institutions and their lasting effects. Participants of our programming are then charged with effecting systemic change in their respective communities.
We host both monthly events and annual events such as a Summer Intensive Program and other social justice educational opportunities that are meant for the youth community to build their analysis of systemic racism and build our program base. These events allow us to connect with youth and introduce them to direct organizing opportunities. The SAFE youth board, a group of 12 youth meet monthly to decide the direction of the SAFE work and assist in facilitating trainings.
The Twin Cities Healing Justice Program is in a formal partnership with Minneapolis Public Schools to implement a Restorative Practices program within North Community High School. We provide trainings for students and faculty, as well as being involved in community engagement and strategic planning as needed.
Community Organizing and Coalition Building
As recent events have made painfully clear, the legacy of racism that was a part of the foundation of this nation continue to this day, albeit in myriad different ways. We have all been effected by the franchise of racism. Black and POC cannot end racism alone. We believe that, by centering the experiences of those directly affected, we will gain greater clarity toward strategies that will bring about collective liberation.
In our work with youth, educators, and community members, the impact of trauma, poverty, and racism consistently surface as fundamental barriers to youth development and civic participation. The drive to become involved in social justice efforts arises organically from their lived experiences, and so a part of our organizing must take into account the toll that this involvement can have on an individual's mental and physical health. So we continue to learn and investigate ways to organize, resist, and heal with balance and dedication.
About AFSC
Healing Justice Program Twin-Cities is a program of the American Friends Service Committee (AFSC.) Guided by the Quaker belief in the divine light of each person, the American Friends Service Committee works with communities and partners worldwide to challenge unjust systems and promote lasting peace. Our vision is a just, peaceful, and sustainable world free of violence, inequality, and oppression.
For over 100 years, AFSC has done amazing work here in the United States and internationally. You can learn more about our organization :
Organization name
American Friends Service Committee
Tax id (EIN)
1500 James Ave N