Housing is a Human Right!
We are Agate Housing and Services. Join us to fight for more housing by making a gift this Give to the Max! We believe deeply that housing is a human right. Our work focuses on getting and keeping housing for those facing homelessness. And we need you to help! Your gift gets more people off the street and into homes.
We are one of the largest housing service providers in Minnesota and provide a full continuum of programs. We help people move from streets to shelters and then into their own homes by providing personalized help at each step and supporting people where they are.

About us: We are a nonprofit organization dedicated to ending homelessness and relieving hunger through action and advocacy.
We help people move from streets to shelters and then into their own homes by providing personalized help at each step and supporting people where they are.
We were established in 2021 with the merger of House of Charity and St. Stephen’s Human Services and support the full housing continuum: street outreach, emergency shelter, permanent housing, and prevention.
Anonymous Donors: If you check the box for "make my donation anonymous," you are also anonymous to us. If you check the "hide my donation amount" box, we are able to thank you for your gift. You can always reach us at donate@agatemn.org.
Keywords: homelessness, homeless, hunger, food, meals, food shelf, Hennepin, Minneapolis, poverty, shelter, human, essential, Covid-19, emergency, encampment, housing, Stephens, Steven's, Stevens, St Stephens, St. Steven's, St Stevens, Saint Stephen's, House of Charity, Agate Housing and Services, Agate