Organization name
African Development Center
Tax id (EIN)
Community , Economic Development
1931 S 5TH STMinneapolis, MN 55454-1257
The mission of the African Development Center of Minnesota is to grow businesses, build wealth, and increase reinvestment in the African communities of Minnesota.
Minnesota is home to over 150,000 African immigrants. Some of them have fled from civil strive like the ones from Somalia, Liberia and the Sudan. Other relatively large African populations who have sought a better life in Minnesota include Nigerians, Ethiopians, Eritreans etc. Many relocating in Minnesota face language, cultural, and religious barriers that hold them back from their full potential.
ADC is dedicated to the economic empowerment and success of African immigrants and refugees by reducing these barriers and creating a path for African immigrants to achieve financial success. Through training, consultations, workshops, and providing small business loans, ADC provides culturally sensitive resources that empower the African immigrant and refugee communities in Minnesota to be self-sufficient and active contributors to the State.
Each dollar that ADC lends to small businesses has a multiplied effect, contributing to the economic development of the entire community. Since the organization's inception in 2004, thousands of jobs have been created or retained through ADC's loans and programs.
Organization name
African Development Center
Tax id (EIN)
Community , Economic Development
1931 S 5TH ST