Organization name
Abbott Northwestern Hospital Foundation
Tax id (EIN)
Health , Children & Family , Community
800 East 28th Street MR 16509Minneapolis, MN 55407
Thank you for supporting Abbott Northwestern Hospital Foundation on this special day. By supporting Abbott Northwestern Hospital Foundation on Give to the Max Day, you’re helping us serve thousands of individuals who need compassionate health care in your community.
During this time of great need and uncertainty, the team at Abbott Northwestern Hospital has rallied around a single goal: to provide the best care possible in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic.
We remain steadfast in our commitment and concern for our 200,000 + patients. Health care might look a little different during this time, but we are doing everything we can to continue providing exceptional expertise and care for those in our community.
We have seen how our communities are eager to rally around us with support and gratitude, and we are so grateful for the outpouring of support. Thank you.
If you are interested in learning more about the work of Abbott Northwestern Hospital Foundation, please visit,
Organization name
Abbott Northwestern Hospital Foundation
Tax id (EIN)
Health , Children & Family , Community
800 East 28th Street MR 16509