Hope Speaks Project

A nonprofit organization

The HOPE Speaks Project is a Twin Cities based non-profit organization working to normalize conversations about race and racism through family centered classes that develop racial literacy in order to build an antiracist community that will interrupt policies and practices that perpetuate systemic racism.

It began as an idea by two educator moms who were struggling to engage their own young children in meaningful conversations about race and racism.  Through their own racial journeys and continual growth, Kristen & Meghan recognized the power of silence in maintaining the status quo.  Inspired by the quote Hope will never be silent by human rights activist Harvey Milk, they were determined to begin an essential dialogue on the impact of race and racism using a family centered approach.  The goal was for families to engage with one another in honest, open, personal, and engaged (HOPE) conversations that would build the muscle to sit in discomfort and lead to collective actions that would disrupt the policies and practices that perpetuate systemic racism. 

We believe that real change can come when we start with ourselves.  

Organization Data


Organization name

Hope Speaks Project

Tax id (EIN)

