Cael's Angels Association

A nonprofit organization

4 donors

Helping Honor Baby Angels. Cael's Angels Association is dedicated to raising awareness and helping families of stillbirths honor their baby

  Cael’s Angels Association was started by James & Brittany Sigmundik after the stillbirth of their son Cael Charles on June 12, 2014. Cael’s passing made us very aware of the need for financial resources and supportive programs for bereaved families. Our programs are designed to ease the financial burden imposed by stillbirth; provide supportive programs and services for families and support stillbirth research. Cael's Angels Association is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. All donations to Cael's Angels Association are tax deductible to the fullest extent of the law.

 Cael’s story started while driving to hockey one day with our son Koda (age 5 at the time) saying to our daughter Callista (age 13 at the time) “I want a baby brother.” Callista Replied “You need to talk to mom and dad about that one.” We all laughed at the time and Brittany and I said we would think about it. Well no more than a week or so later on Saturday October 26, 2013 we found out Brittany was pregnant with our third child. We were shocked at first, but as is it processed we became very excited. At our first ultrasound we found out we were having a boy. This made Koda very happy. We spent the next several months trying to pick out a name we all liked. We finally decided on Cael Charles. Charles is a family name on both sides and we just like the sound of Cael.

   Since both our previous children were c-sections we planned delivery on June 17th, 2014. On June 11th our world was turned upside down. During the final checkup the doctor could not find Cael’s heart beat. It was confirmed with an ultrasound Cael was dead. 

   On June 12th, 2014 at 1:14pm Cael Charles Sigmundik was born into this world as an angel. Cael was born 7bls. 12oz., 20in. long, and otherwise a perfectly healthy baby. Cause of death was a torqued cord (also referred to as cord torsion), meaning the cord was wound like a phone cord until it kinked and cut off circulation. 

   At the hospital we were informed we would have to cremate or bury Cael. Having not planned to for this situation we were not ready for the financial burden this would have on our family. Even with the discounts offered by the funeral home, choosing the cheapest options, and the urn we used being made by a friend we were still in the thousand plus range. We felt devastated that we could not afford to honor our son in a way we wished we could do to the fact that we just could not afford it. 

   Searching for aid made us very aware of the need for financial resources and supportive programs for bereaved families. We found out there is no insurance that will help with end of life expenses for stillbirths or babies that do not live more than 15 days. So in light of this we decided to start a non-profit in Cael’s honor to help others in our situation. In November 2014 Caels Angels Association became a 501(c)3. We are able to honor Cael now by raising money to help others through donations, run/walks, and an annual motorcycle ride called Cael's Ride for Stillbirth.

R.I.P. Cael Charles Sigmundik June 12, 2014

Organization Data


Organization name

Cael's Angels Association

Tax id (EIN)





7628 Greenfield Ave
Mounds View, MN 55112 4020



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